PRoGR€SS - within this 4-year European project developing and implementing Road User Charging, ICC are designing and implementing on-street technology trials and developing scheme design for Edinburgh, and advising Copenhagen on RUC technology. |
Lorry Road User Charging (LRUC) - ICC are advising HM Customs and Excise and the Department for Transport on technology for LRUC, proposed for implementation in the UK in 2006-7. |
London Congestion Charging Scheme - ICC are working with Transport for London Street Management on the introduction of Congestion Charging. |
ATLANTIC – ICC are managing significant workpackages in this thematic network focusing on ITS best practice information exchange between the European Union and North America, supported by the European Commission. |
European and ISO Standardisation - Ian Catling is the convenor of the ISO/CEN sub-group concerned with defining interoperability requirements, specifications and standards for EFC based on satellite positioning, cellular network communication and on-board processing. |
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Completed major projects and assignments include:
Transport Direct (2001-2002) - ICC worked with the National Assembly for Wales to help to deliver coordinated transport information services in Wales. |
Hampshire County Council (2001-2002) - ICC provided specialist advice in a study of future transport policy. |
Bristol City Council (2001-2002) - ICC provided expert technical input to the modelling programme for the assessment of RUC.
CENTRICO (2001-2002) - ICC provided project management services to Rijkswaterstaat in the Netherlands to coordinate this major Euro-regional project, implementing ITS systems on the Trans-European Road Network (TERN).
Tele-Parking Systems / Mobipower Ltd (2000-2002) - ICC assisted in the development of advanced parking management systems and their introduction into the UK market. |
ITSWAP (2000-2001) - ICC were the UK project managers for this European project developing traveller information and other ITS services using the Wireless Application Protocol, mobile telephony and the Internet.
Charging Scheme Options for Belfast (2000-2001) - ICC contributed expert input to develop feasible RUC options for Belfast and to conduct a joint study with TTR to develop a preferred scheme option in more detail.
POLIS (2000) - ICC produced thematic brochures on multi-modal transport interchanges for the European CHARISMA Transport project.
European Commission (2000) - ICC produced a series of brochures describing the achievements of the Telematics Application Programme.
Road User Charging Urban Scheme Design Principles and Policy (1999-2000) - ICC provided specialist advice to the Department of Transport, the Environment and the Regions (DETR).
TREASURE (1999-2000) - ICC provided expert input to the assessment of research and development projects for the European Commission, DG Transport.
Hong Kong Traffic Management and Information Centre (1999-2000) - ICC provided expert input to this project which developed an integrated approach to traffic management and driver information throughout the territory.
Bristol Road User Charging Scheme Definition (1999) - ICC provided specialist RUC expertise in the development of alternative scheme designs, their analysis and assessment and the development of recommendations for a practical road user charging system for Bristol.
INITIATIVE (1998-2002) - ICC were the project managers for this European project which demonstrated interoperability between different electronic fee collection systems.
ITS for Fleet Management (1998-1999) - ICC were specialist technical and market evaluation advisers for a UK start-up company in this expanding field.
Hong Kong Study of the Use of ITS on the Strategic Road Network (1998-1999) - ICC contributed expert knowledge of ITS and its deployment in this one-year study.
Hong Kong Feasibility Study on Electronic Road Pricing (1997-2000) - Ian Catling was the leader of the technology assessment and field trials for this major project which assessed all aspects of ERP for Hong Kong.
TEAM (1996-2000) - ICC were the project managers and logistics coordinators for this public relations support project for the Transport Telematics programme in the European Union's Fourth Framework.
TABASCO (1996-1998) - ICC coordinated this major multi-site multi-application EU project which demonstrated a range of ITS applications in Bavaria and Scotland and several other sites in six European countries. Applications include Variable Message Signs (VMS), ramp metering, strategic traffic control, inter-urban control and information systems, urban traffic control, control centre interconnection, and traveller information.
Belfast / Dublin Corridor (1996-1998) - ICC advised the Northern Ireland Roads Service and Dublin Corporation on the provision and implementation of ITS services and systems in this key economic and socially important corridor.
ITS Market Potential (1996-1997) - ICC were specialist advisers on ITS market potential for a study carried out in 1996-7 for the European Commission, DG XIII. ICC's role included general input of ITS technological developments and specific analysis of the potential in the UK market.
Trafficmaster (1996-1997) - ICC have advised Trafficmaster plc on a number of ITS issues, and have carried out feasibility studies of the potential introduction of Trafficmaster technology in several countries. ICC have represented Trafficmaster at major exhibitions.
Stamford Research Institute (1996-1997) - ICC provided expert ITS consultancy services to a major market research programme undertaken by SRI.
Cross Israel Highway Company (1995-1998) - Ian Catling provided specialist consultancy services to CIHC to help them define a fully electronic toll collection system for the new North-South motorway to be built during the next five years.
Mitsubishi (1995-1997) - ICC carried out two studies of ITS market potential in Europe for the Mitsubishi Research Institute in Japan. These included all aspects of ITS developments and on-going research in Europe.
Dubai Taxi System (1995) - Ian Catling advised the Dubai Transport Corporation on the implementation and system integration of a taxi monitoring and control system. The system included location monitoring of taxis using GPS (Global Positioning System), and is one of the most advanced taxi systems in the world.
London Congestion Charging Technology Implementation Study (1994-1995) - Ian Catling led this study for the British Department of Transport. The study included a review of all technologies for congestion charging, both those which are currently available and expected developments over the next decade.
Assessment of the Benefits of Transport Telematics (1994-1995) - ICC acted as a sub-contractor to the Transport Research Laboratory in this study for the UK Department of Transport which assessed the market for Transport Telematics into the twenty-first century and analysed the potential benefits.
Traffic Director for London (1994-1995) - ICC conducted trials of the use of GPS equipment on board buses, specifically for the purpose of bus location to support an on-board video system for bus lane enforcement.
Dublin Heavy Goods Vehicle Management Study (1993-1996) - ICC provided input to this study on the potential contribution of Transport Telematics to the management of goods in Dublin.
CARDME (Concerted Action on Road Demand Management for Europe) (1993-1995) - ICC supplied the expert services of Ian Catling to participate in this Task Force for the European Commission. CARDME investigated issues of inter-operability of Electronic Fee Collection systems in Europe.
LLAMD (1992-1996) - ICC coordinated this major European project which developed and demonstrated integrated information and control systems to improve traffic conditions in London, Lyon, Amsterdam, Munich and Dublin.
DUBSAFE Accident Recording and Analysis System (1992-1996) - ICC designed, developed and implemented a prototype accident recording system for Dublin Corporation based on the use of advanced technology to improve reporting accuracy and analysis.
Avon Traffic Restraint Study (1992-1994) - ICC provided expert technical input for the technical assessment in this project, including an analysis of all categories of technology available for urban road pricing and outline costs for possible implementations.
Code of Practice for In-vehicle Displays for Driver Information Systems (1991-1996) - ICC carried out work for the British Department of Transport in the development of this code of practice.
Study of the Potential of Road Transport Informatics (1990-1991) - ICC conducted this study for the Dutch Government.
Study of Transport Telematics for Daimler Benz (1990) - ICC carried out a comprehensive survey of the potential of Transport Telematics in Europe with a particular emphasis on communication technologies.
SOCRATES (1989-1996) - ICC was the prime contractor and coordinator of this major initiative in the DRIVE programmes developing ITS services based on cellular radio. SOCRATES consisted of a series of projects with EU funding which laid the groundwork for ITS services now being introduced commercially. As the SOCRATES coordinators and the administrators for the SOCRATES Association, and through other activities such as the leadership of the LLAMD project and participation in the DRIVE Topic Group on Traveller Information, ICC has maintained a close and influential involvement in the development of travel and traffic information services in Europe.
Road Pricing in the Netherlands (Rekening Rijden) (1989-1994) - ICC were specialist advisers to the Dutch Government and provided coordination services for the European User Committee on Automatic Debiting.
Virginia Department of Transportation "FASTOLL" System (1989-1993) - ICC were specialist advisers on the system specifications and software development for this automatic toll collection system in the USA.
PROMETHEUS (1987-1995) - as sub-contractors to the Transport Research Laboratory, ICC coordinated the 'PRO-GEN' sub-programme of research in Transport Telematics from the point of view of the transport authorities, which formed a major part of this 8-year programme of research.
Assessment of the Potential for Collaborative Research in RTI for the Ford Motor Company (1990) - ICC conducted this project for Ford.
London Autoguide Demonstration System (1985-1989) - ICC designed and coordinated this demonstration scheme which laid the foundation for many subsequent developments in navigation and route guidance systems.
Hong Kong Electronic Road Pricing Pilot Project (1983-1986) - Ian Catling was the technical project manager of this innovative and technically successful project, which included a large-scale pilot implementation of road pricing technology, the design of an administrative system for a full-scale system, and an analysis of the effects of full introduction of road pricing using a range of transport models.
ICC are particularly experienced in systems using Electronic Fee
Collection (EFC).
Our expertise dates back to 1983 when Ian Catling was the project manager for the
innovative Hong Kong Electronic Road Pricing Pilot Project.
Since then ICC has been at the forefront of developments in EFC technology and applications.
These include Electronic Road Pricing and Road User Charging, which are assuming
increasing importance in the range of options open to transport policy makers.
ICC has formed a partnership with two other leading consultancies to provide a
complete range of services to transport authorities interested in pursuing the
opportunities offered by EFC. The companies are:
Hyder Consulting
Transport and Travel Research