179 | 2004 (July) “Moving Forward” ITS International (I Catling) |
178 | 2004 (June) “What is needed to make technical interoperability a reality across Europe” Road Charging 2004 conference, Stuttgart (I Catling) |
177 | 2004 (June) “The European Commission directive on EFC” IEE Road User Charging seminar, London (I Catling) |
176 | 2004 (May) “Road User Charging based on satellite positioning systems and cellular network communication – progress on standardisation and interoperability” ITS in Europe, Budapest (I Catling) |
175 | 2004 (March) “Technologies for Road User Charging, and prospects for interoperability”, Integrated Intelligent Transport Solutions conference, London (I Catling) |
174 | 2003 (November) “A review of progress worldwide in Road User Charging technology” 10th ITS World Congress, Madrid (I Catling) |
173 | 2003 (November) “Road User Charging based on satellite positioning systems and cellular network communication – progress on standardisation and interoperability” 10th ITS World Congress, Madrid (I Catling) |
172 | 2003 (April) “Electronic Fee Collection for the future in Europe” Smart Moving conference, Birmingham (I Catling) |
171 | 2003 (March) “Initiative and GNSS/VPS/MPS standards” IEE seminar on Road User Charging, London (I Catling) |
170 | 2003 (January) “Enforcement for congestion charging” Traffic Engineering and Control (I Catling, A Thompson) |
169 | 2002 (November) “Initiative – the integration of VPS- and DSRC-based EFC systems” IBTTA International Technology Workshop, Dublin (I Catling) |
168 | 2002 (October “Electronic Fee Collection (EFC) for the future in Europe – hybrid systems using both Dedicated Short-Range Communication (DSRC) and Vehicle Positioning Systems (VPS) – the INITIATIVE project” 9th ITS World Congress, Chicago (I Catling) |
167 | 2002 (October) “A review of Electronic Fee Collection (EFC) using Vehicle Positioning Systems (VPS), and of prospects for the future” 9th ITS World Congress, Chicago (I Catling) |
166 | 2002 (October) “The Edinburgh congestion charging technology demonstration” ITS for Enforcement seminar, ITS UK, London (I Catling) |
165 | 2002 (April) “Leading-edge powertrain technology for public transport” Transport Design Forum, Genoa (I Catling, J Holden) |
164 | 2001 (November) “ITSWAP — Getting information onto mobile phones” INFORM conference, Leeds, England (R Harris, L James) |
163 | 2001 (October) “Electronic Fee Collection for the future in Europe – hybrid systems using both Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) and Vehicle Positioning Systems (VPS) – the INITIATIVE project” 8th ITS World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Sydney, Australia (I Catling) |
162 | 2001 (October) “ITS Services in Wales using the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) – results from the field trials” 8th ITS World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Sydney, Australia (I Catling, R Harris, L James, N Simmons) |
161 | 2001 (October) “A review of Electronic Fee Collection (EFC) using Vehicle Positioning Systems (VPS), and prospects for the future” 8th ITS World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Sydney, Australia (I Catling) |
160 | 2001 (October) “CENTRICO – building improved transport in north west Europe” 8th ITS World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Sydney, Australia (R Harris, W Bloys, J van der Valk, F Zijderhand) |
159 | 2001 (September) “ITS Services in Wales using the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)”Advanced Driver Assistance Systems conference, Birmingham, England (I Catling, R Harris, L James, N Simmons) |
158 | 2001 (September) “ITS breakthrough” Transport Telematics Journal Issue 25, (R Harris) |
157 | 2001 (July) “Traffic information Services in the UK” 4th International Universal Transport Management Systems Seminar, Tokyo, Japan (R Harris) |
156 | 2001 (July) “Testing ITS using the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)” ITS United Kingdom Summer Conference 2001, Cardiff, Wales (I Catling, R Harris, L James, N Simmons) |
155 | 2001 (June) “Development of a Transport Information System and Electronic Road User Charges” 14th ORF Road World Congress, Paris, France (I Catling, A Body) |
154 | 2001 (April) “The future for Integrated Intelligent Transport Services based on the VPS (Vehicle Positioning Systems) approach to Electronic Fee Collection” Traffex 2001, the international traffic engineering, road safety and maintenance conference, Birmingham, England (I Catling) |
153 | 2001 (April) “Road using charging using vehicle Positioning Systems” Tenth International Conference on Road Transport Information and Control, London, England (I Catling) |
152 | 2001 (March) “Road user charging and the environment” ITS United Kingdom Seminar – real ITS to benefit the environment for real people, London England (I Catling) |
151 | 2001 (March) “ITS Services in Wales using the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)” Second International Conference on third generation mobile communications technologies, London, England (I Catling, R Harris, L James, N Simmons) |
150 | 2001 (February) “Developing value added services linked to road user charging systems” Third in-vehicle telematics forum – developing and marketing in-vehicle applications to maximise the profitability of telematics, London, England (I Catling) |
149 | 2001 (January) “I feel the need – the need for Smeed” Transport Telematics Journal Issue 24, (I Catling) |
148 | 2001 (January) “SAFE Highways of the Future 2001” The 1st European Summit on Safe highways of the future, Cannes, France (Chairman day 1 – R Harris) |
147 | 2000 (December) “Vehicle Positioning Systems (VPS) – a common platform for in-car services based on Electronic Fee Collection (EFC) Applications” Intelligent car services conference, London, England (I Catling) |
146 | 2000 (November): “The Prospects for Electronic Fee Collection (EFC) Using Vehicle Positioning Systems (VPS) 7th ITS World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Turin, Italy (I Catling) |
145 | 2000 (November): “ITS Services in Wales using the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)” 7th ITS World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, Turin, Italy (I Catling, R Harris, L James, N Simmons) |
144 | 2000 (September) “Getting to grips with scheme design – Hong Kong perspective” 4th Annual electronic road pricing forum, London, England (I Catling) |
143 | 2000 (September): “Advanced technology for road user charging using vehicle positioning systems” European Transport Conference, Cambridge, England (I Catling) |
142 | 2000 (September) “ Working with the private sector” IEE seminar on using ITS to deliver integrated transport, London, England (R Harris) |
141 | 2000 (August) “Late Britain” Toll Trans Journal August/September 2000 (I Catling) |
140 | 2000 (July): “ITS services in Wales using the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)” ITS United Kingdom Summer Conference 2000, Edinburgh, Scotland (I Catling, R Harris, L James, N Simmons) |
139 | 2000 (July): “A long time a-coming” Traffic Technology International, July 2000 (I Catling, D Crawford) |
138a | 2000 (June) “Do virtual gantries cost more than real ones?” ITS UK, Glasgow (I Catling) |
138 | 2000 (June) “Satellite navigation accuracy boosted” Transport Telematics Journal Issue 23, (R Harris) |
137 | 2000 (June) “ITS UK members join forces to test WAP” Transport Telematics Journal Issue 23, (R Harris) |
136 | 2000 (May) “Electronic Fee Collection using GNSS” GNSS 2000 conference, Edinburgh, Scotland (I Catling) |
135 | 2000 (April) “ ERP technology trade off – an assessment of the potential technologies” Road pricing Agenda conference, Brisbane, Australia (I Catling, J Opiola) |
134 | 2000 (March): “Developing road user charging systems that will enable you to expand your in-vehicle telematics applications portfolio” The Second In-Vehicle Telematics International Forum, London, England (I Catling) |
133 | 2000 (January) “Giving the virtual gantry teeth” ITS International, January/February 2000 (I Catling) |
132 | 2000 (January): “Phantom Toll Booths: the future of electronic fees” Galileo’s World, Volume 1, Number 1, Oregon, USA (I Catling) |
131 | 1999 (November): “Promoting outreach in the Telematics Application Programme, Transport Sector: TEAM support” Sixth World Congress on ITS, Toronto, Canada (R Harris, M Riggulsford) |
130 | 1999 (November): “Safety hits the headlines” Transport Telematics Journal Issue 22, (R Harris) |
129 | 1999 (October): “TABASCO Glasgow: Integrated urban / interurban traffic control” Technical workshop on telematics solutions for urban transport, Sofia, Bulgaria (R Harris) |
128 | 1999 (October): “TABASCO Glasgow: Public Transport Information Systems” Technical workshop on telematics solutions for urban transport, Sofia, Bulgaria (R Harris, G Duke) |
127 | 1999 (September): “Integrating road user charging with intelligent transport systems” GPS Technology in transport and logistics conference, London, England (I Catling) |
126 | 1999 (July): "Advances in Mobile Information Systems", (Chapter 10, ITS in Europe) Artech House (I Catling, J Miles, R Harris) |
125 | 1999 (June): “The INITIATIVE project” IT’S in Europe ’99 conference P/F3-3, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (I Catling) |
124 | 1999 (June): “Results from a prototype VPS charging system” IT’S in Europe ’99 conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (I Catling) |
123 | 1999 (June): “European ITS progress and the future under 5FP” IT’S in Europe ’99 conference and exhibition show guide, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (R Harris) |
122 | 1999 (May): “Concertation and Achievements Report of the Transport Sector” CODE Deliverable 2.2, Brussels, Belgium (H Keller, R Harris, F Sommerville, D Jeffery and P Kompfner) |
121 | 1999 (April): “Road user charging without roadside infrastructure – an assessment of the potential of GPS-based technology” ICM Develop and implement road pricing conference, London, England (I Catling) |
120 | 1999 (March): “Innovative techniques for electronic road pricing” Institute of Electrical Engineers seminar on electronic tolling and congestion charging, London, England (I Catling) |
119 | 1999 (February): “INITIATIVE (Industry Initiative To Introduce Automatic Tolling In Vehicles in Europe)” Transport Telematics Journal Issue 22, (R Harris) |
118 | 1998 (September): “Intelligent Transport Systems: update of European progress on ITS, technology options available, mobile communications opportunities” Intelcom ’98, The Wireless Economy conference, London, England (R Harris, I Catling) |
117 | 1998 (June): “Satellite, telephony or beacons? Delivering the optimum communications system” ITS Focus, sixth ITS summer conference, intelligent transport systems, policy and markets, Bridgend, Wales (I Catling) |
116 | 1998 (March): “The Hong Kong electronic road pricing feasibility study” IBC Electronic payment systems in transport conference, London, England (I Catling) |
115 | 1998 (March): “The Hong Kong Electronic Road Pricing Feasibility Study” ICM Electronic Road Pricing conference, London, England, (I Catling, J Opiola) |
114 | 1998 (March): “Pan European Mobile Telematics Projects – SOCRATES project report” GSM Road Telematics conference, London, England (I Catling) |
113 | 1998 (January): “POLIS – Promoting Operational Links with Integrated Services” Transport Telematics Journal Issue 17, (R Harris) |
112 | 1998 (January): “Major German companies combine to exploit Tegaron” Transport Telematics Journal Issue 17, (R Harris) |
111 | 1997 (October): “Transport telematics applications for cities and regions – TABASCO – approach and results, ITS "Fourth World Congress on ITS, Berlin, Germany (I Catling, H Keller) |
110 | 1997 (December): “TABASCO: Transport telematics applications for Cities in Regions” Third European Digital Cities Conference, the road to deployment, Berlin, Germany (I Catling, H Keller) |
109 | 1997 (November): “The integration of road tolling and urban road use charging” Transport Telematics contributing to new transport policies conference, London, England (I Catling, P Hills) |
108 | 1997 (September): “Technical aspects of road pricing and interoperability – the Hong Kong road pricing trails” European Commission Directorate General for Transport, making road pricing work conference, Brussels, Belgium (I Catling) |
107 | 1997 (May): “TABASCO Open Conference, Amsterdam 1997” Transport Telematics Journal Issue 15, (I Catling) |
106 | 1997 (May): “Electronic road pricing in Hong Kong” Transport Telematics Journal Issue 15, (I Catling) |
105 | 1997 (February): “Introduction to TABASCO” TABASCO Open Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (I Catling) |
104 | 1997 (January): “Using satellite positioning for road transport applications” Global Navigation satellite Systems conference, London, England (I Catling, R Barker, G Hohlweg) |
103 | 1996 (November): “Using GPS as part of an on-bus video system for bus lane enforcement” Institute of Electrical Engineers colloquium on Camera enforcement of traffic regulations, London, England (I Catling, D Warriner) |
102 | 1996 (October): “TABASCO – demonstrating intelligent transport systems” Third World Congress on ITS, Orlando, Florida, USA (I Catling) |
101 | 1996 (October): “TEAM creating a profile for transport telematics” Third World Congress on ITS, Orlando, Florida, USA (R Harris) |
100 | 1996 (October): “SOCRATES: demonstrations and progress towards commercial implementation” Third World Congress on ITS, Orlando, Florida, USA (I Catling) |
99 | 1996 (September): “SOCRATES: Pan-European transport telematics using cellular radio” The 24th European Transport Forum, PTRC, Uxbridge, England (I Catling, R Harris) |
98 | 1996 (June): “Dynamic route guidance: the prospects for establishing a sustainable business” The Royal Institute of navigation and the German Institute of navigation EURNAV’96 conference on vehicle navigation location and control, London, England (I Catling, R Harris) |
97 | 1996 (June): “Do drivers want dynamic route guidance” ITS Focus Summer Conference, Harrogate, England (I Catling) |
96 | 1996 (May): “Case study: SOCRATES, recent cellular radio developments” Challenges and prospects of intelligent transport systems conference, Paris, France (I Catling, R Harris) |
95 | 1996 (March): “Regional Network Control in TABASCO” Transport Telematics in the Fourth Framework, Institute of Electrical Engineers Colloquium, London, England, (I Catling, F Sommerville) |
94 | 1996 (March): “The demonstration and development of SOCRATES in the Fourth Framework Programme”, Transport Telematics in the Fourth Framework, Institute of Electrical Engineers Colloquium, London, England, (I Catling, R Harris) |
93 | 1996 (March): "The London Congestion Charging Research Programme: Administration and Technology” Traffic Engineering and Control (March 96) (I Catling, M Richards, J Larkinson, S Murray, T Travers) |
92 | 1996 (March): “TABASCO – Telematics Applications in Bavaria, Scotland and Others)” Transport Telematics Journal Issue 12, (I Catling) |
91 | 1995 (December): “Regional Traffic Information – The SCOTIA approach” European Commission DGXIII Transport Telematics Forum on public, private collaboration in traffic and travel information”, Brussels, Belgium (R Harris) |
90 | 1995 (November): “Network management and safety – interurban management” Institution of Civil Engineers, Transport Telematics what’s in it for you conference? London, England (I Catling) |
89 | 1995 (November): "TABASCO - Steps forward to improve transport systems in Europe" Second World Congress on intelligent transport systems, Yokohama, Japan, (I Catling, R Harris) |
88 | 1995 (November): "SOCRATES - Steps forward towards commercial implementation" Second World Congress on intelligent transport systems, Yokohama, Japan, (I Catling, R Harris) |
87 | 1995 (September): “The role of the coordinator” Department of Trade and Industry and the Department of Transport seminar on Participation in EC Programmes (I Catling) |
86 | 1995 (July): "TABASCO - Improving transport systems in Europe" Pacific Rim TransTech/VNIS `95, Seattle, USA, (I Catling, R Harris) |
85 | 1995 (July): "SOCRATES - progress towards commercial operation" Pacific Rim TransTech/VNIS `95, Seattle, USA (I Catling, R Harris) |
84 | 1995 (July): “The flame of European cooperation burns bright at the LLAMD conference in Munich” Transport Telematics Journal Issue 9, (R Harris) |
83 | 1995 (July): "SOCRATES in London" LLAMD European Conference on Advanced Transport Telematics, Munich, Germany (I Catling, R Harris, C Catling) |
82 | 1995 (June): "SOCRATES - from research towards commercial implementation", Fourth International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transport Engineering, Capri, Italy (I Catling, R Harris) |
81 | 1995 (March): “SOCRATES live in London – the APPLE project” Transport Telematics Journal Issue 8, (R Harris) |
80 | 1994 (December): "SOCRATES Evaluation: overview" SOCCON '94, Frankfurt, Germany (I Catling) |
79 | 1994 (November): “IVHS and mobility” Intelcom ’94 Enhanced communications for the 21st century, Turin, Italy (I Catling, R Harris) |
78 | 1994 (November): "The LLAMD Euro-Project: Integrated Field Trials Testing Components of Urban and Regional Traffic Management" First World Congress on ATT & IVHS, Paris, France (I Catling, R Harris, H Keller) |
77 | 1994 (November): "DUBSAFE: Using ATT to improve Accident Recording" First World Congress on ATT & IVHS, Paris, France (I Catling, C de Burca, R Harris) |
76 | 1994 (October): “SOCCON ’94 – The first open SOCRATES conference” Transport Telematics Journal Issue 5, (I Catling) |
75 | 1994 (June): “IVHS America Fourth Annual Meeting” Transport Telematics Journal Issue 4, (I Catling) |
74 | 1994 (June): “Motorway tolling seminar” Transport Telematics Journal Issue 4, (I Catling) |
73 | 1994 (January): "The SOCRATES projects: Progress towards an Integrated Road Transport Environment" RTI Focus Seminar, England (I Catling) |
72 | 1994 (January): “The SOCRATES projects: Progress towards a Pan-European driver information system” Transportation Research Board, 73rd Annual Meeting, Washington, USA (I Catling, R Harris, F Zijderhand) |
71 | 1993 (December): "Das LLAMD Euro-Projekt: Entwicklungen während des Jahres 1993"- Workshop und Informationskonferenz TELEMATIK, Magdeburg, Germany (I Catling, N Klassen) |
70 | 1993 (December): “Advanced Motorway Control in Munich” RTI Focus News Issue 3, (I Catling) |
69 | 1993 (December): “LLAMD – ATT integration in European Cities” RTI Focus News Issue 3, (I Catling) |
68 | 1993 (November): "The LLAMD Euro-Project: Progress during 1993" - POLIS conference Bologna, Italy (I Catling, C de Burca) |
67 | 1993 (November): "Vehicle Navigation Systems" - Road Pricing, Highway and Passenger Information Systems, IBC, London, England (I Catling) |
66 | 1993 (November): "The development of SOCRATES in Europe" - 7th International Pacific Conference on Automotive Engineering, Phoenix, Arizona, USA (I Catling, R Harris, F Zijderhand, R Mannings) |
65 | 1993 (November): "Advanced Traveller Information Systems in Europe: A review of the prospects for successful commercial operations" - 7th International Pacific Conference on Automotive Engineering, Phoenix, Arizona, USA (I Catling, R Harris) |
64 | 1993 (November): "Euro-projects within the DRIVE ATT programme: A review of integrated field trials in European cities" - 7th International Pacific Conference on Automotive Engineering, Phoenix, Arizona, USA (I Catling, R Harris, P Philipps, J Angusto, F Vanderborght, V Mauro, S Rupprecht) |
63 | 1993 (November): "SOCRATES: Progress towards an Integrated Road Transport Environment"- 4th Annual IVHS America Meeting, Washington, USA (I Catling, R Harris, F Zijderhand) |
62 | 1993 (November): "Progress towards an Integrated Road Transport Environment using SOCRATES" - Autotech'93 (I Catling, R Harris, F Zijderhand) |
61 | 1993 (October): "The SOCRATES projects: progress towards a pan-European driver information system" - Vehicle Navigation and Information Systems Conference (VNIS'93) Ottowa, Canada (I Catling, R Harris, F Zijderhand) |
60 | 1993 (October): "The LLAMD Euro-Project: Integrated Transport Telematics in five European cities" - Vehicle Navigation and Information Systems Conference (VNIS'93), Ottowa, Canada - (I Catling, R Harris, H Keller) |
59 | 1993 (September): “IVHS Australia” RTI Focus News Issue 2, (I Catling) |
58 | 1993 (June): "SOCRATES", in Advanced Technology in Transport: ATT and IVHS, Artech House (I Catling) |
57 | 1993 (June): "Advanced Technology in Transport: ATT and IVHS", Artech House (editor I Catling) |
56 | 1993 (May): "In-vehicle Man-Machine Interface: the SOCRATES approach" ROVA’93 Conference, Bolton, UK, (I Catling, E Carver) |
55 | 1993 (May): "Prospects for commercial in-vehicle information systems" ROVA'93 Conference, Bolton, UK, (I Catling, R Harris) |
54 | 1993 (May): "Integrated Field Trials in European Cities" ROVA '93 Conference, Bolton, UK, (I Catling, R Harris) |
53 | 1993 (March): "The LLAMD Euro-Project: expected impacts of dynamic route guidance systems in London, Amsterdam and Munich" Proceedings of the DRIVE Technical Days, Brussels, Belgium (I Catling, H Keller) |
52 | 1993 (February): “The SOCRATES Kernel project” Proceedings of the SOCRATES Technical Days, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (I Catling) |
51 | 1993 (February): “Summary of assessment plans in the SOCRATES pilots” Proceedings of the SOCRATES Technical Days, Eindhoven, the Netherlands (I Catling) |
50 | 1992 (December): "Developments in Travel and Traffic Information Systems in the PROMETHEUS and DRIVE programmes", Improving Road Traffic Management in the 1990s conference, London, England (I Catling) |
49 | 1992 (November): "Advanced Transport Systems: In-vehicle technology to help reduce congestion” Traffic Congestion Conference: A practical analysis of the problems and their solutions, London, England (I Catling, R Harris) |
48 | 1992 (November): "The five Euro-Projects - summary and first results”, Proceedings of the POLIS Conference, Barcelona, Spain (I Catling, P Philipps, J Angusto, F Vanderborght, V Mauro, S Rupprecht) |
47 | 1992 (October): "The SOCRATES projects - progress towards a pan-European driver information system", IEE Colloquium "PROMETHEUS and DRIVE" London, England (I Catling) |
46 | 1992 (September): "SOCRATES - What now?" 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Navigation and Information Systems, Oslo, Norway (I Catling, F Zijderhand). |
45 | 1992 (September): (1992) "The role of authorities in the development of advanced travel information systems - summary of study results" 3rd International Conference on Vehicle Navigation and Information Systems, Oslo, Norway, (I Catling, R Harris, M Coëmet, G van Leusden, H de Ruiter) |
44 | 1992 (September): "Travel and Traffic Information: A review of Current European Developments" Institute of Highways and Transportation President's Conference 1992, Newcastle upon Tyne, England (I Catling) |
43 | 1992 (July): "Data Collection for Advanced Travel Information Systems"), 6th World Conference on Transport Research, Lyon, France, (I Catling, R Harris) |
42 | 1992 (July): "SOCRATES: System Of Cellular Radio for Traffic Efficiency and Safety” Information Systems" 6th World Conference on Transport Research, Lyon, France, (I Catling, R Harris) |
41 | 1992 (May): "The SOCRATES projects - RTI/IVHS based on cellular radio", ISATA 92 conference, Florence, Italy, (I Catling). |
40 | 1992 (May): "The LLAMD Euro-project – integrated ATT in five European Cities", ISATA 92 conference, Florence, Italy, (I Catling, H Keller). |
39 | 1992 (May): "Data collection for advanced travel information systems" ISATA 92 conference, Florence, Italy, (I Catling, R Harris) |
38 | 1992 (May): "The role of the authorities in advanced travel information systems"), ISATA 92 conference, Florence, Italy, (I Catling, R Harris, M Coëmet, G van Leusden, H de Ruijter) |
37 | 1992 (April): “Technology for Road Pricing”, IHT conference, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK (I Catling) |
36 | 1991 (August): “A review of European developments in route guidance and navigation systems” International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technology in Transportation Engineering, Minneapolis, USA (I Catling, R Harris, B McQueen) |
35 | 1991 (July): "Cost-effective strategies for reducing urban congestion", London conference "Improving Access in Urban Areas - Roles for Information Technology" (I Catling) |
34 | 1991 (May): SOCRATES: System Of Cellular RAdio for Traffic Efficiency and Safety, IEE colloquium "Technology for Road Pricing and Route Guidance" proceedings (digest 1991/108) (I Catling, F Op de Beek) |
33 | 1991 (May): New Techniques for Highway Network Data Collection and Presentation – the Doncaster HIVP experience, ICC colloquium "Technology for Road Pricing and Route Guidance" proceedings (digest 1991/108) (I Catling, R Harris, B McQueen, J Linsley) |
32 | 1991 (Feb): Automatic Debiting Systems; a New Approach for Toll Roads, Proceedings of the DRIVE conference, Brussels, Belgium (I Catling, J Mesqui, F Guerout, H Stoelhorst) |
31 | 1991 (Feb): Road Transport Informatics in Europe - Major Programmes and Demonstrations, IEEE transactions on vehicular technology, vol. 40, no 1 (I Catling, B McQueen) |
30 | 1990 (Dec): “RTI Technology - a Tool for Increasing Capacity or Reducing Traffic?” invited paper at PTRC conference Practical possibilities for a comprehensive transport policy with and without road pricing, Brighton, England (I Catling) |
29 | 1990 (October): Road Transport Informatics in Europe - a Survey of Current Developments, the fifth Jerusalem conference on information technology, Jerusalem, Israel (I Catling) |
28 | 1990: (September): “SOCRATES: System Of Cellular RAdio for Traffic Efficiency and Safety” PTRC (I Catling, F Op de Beek) |
27 | 1990 (July): “The EC DRIVE Programme – halfway through” IEE, London, England (I Catling, M Bell) |
26 | 1990 (March): Functional Requirements of Automatic Debiting Systems within the DRIVE project TARDIS, SECAP conference, Paris, France (I Catling) |
25 | 1989 (July): “Autoguide: Practical problems of handling route guidance data”, ATEC ’89 Conference, Paris, France ” (R Harris, F S Hoffmann) |
24 | 1989 (June): “Autoguide - Electronic Route Guidance for London and the UK” ISATA Conference, Florence, Italy, (I Catling, P Belcher) |
23 | 1989: “A review of developments in vehicle navigation systems worldwide” Institute of Mechanical Engineers (C391/065) (I Catling, D Sacker) |
22 | 1989 (May): “Dealing with Congestion - the Use of Advanced Technology”, Conference proceedings Traffic Performance in Urban Areas, Gothenburg, Sweden (I Catling) |
21 | 1989 (March): “Autoguide - Electronic Route Guidance for London and the U.K”, British Parking Association seminar New Technology in Car Parking (I Catling, P Belcher) |
20 | 1988 (November): “The Hong Kong Road Pricing Experiment”, Paying the Toll conference, Irvine, California, USA (I Catling) |
19 | 1988 (June): “Autoguide – electronic route guidance in the UK” International symposium on research and new technologies in transport and traffic, CCH, Hamburg, Germany (I Catling) |
18 | 1987 (November): “Electronic route Guidance by Autoguide” Traffic Engineering and Control, Vol 28 (11) (I Catling, P Belcher) |
17 | 1987: “Area Traffic Control Systems and Electronic Road Pricing in Hong Kong”, IEE second international conference on road traffic control, London, England (I Catling, C Chan) |
16 | 1987: “Automatic Vehicle Identification”, chapter in Information Technology Applications in Transport, edited by P Bonsall and M Bell (I Catling) |
15 | 1987 (September): “The London Autoguide Demonstration Scheme” PTRC Seminar on Information Technology in Transport and Tourism” London, England, (I Catling) |
14 | 1987 (April): “Autoguide: the case for automatic route guidance” Computers in transport and international distribution conference, Wembley, England (I Catling) |
13 | 1987 (March): Europe's vision of tomorrow's traffic, Highways magazine (I Catling) |
12 | 1986: Electronic Road Pricing in Hong Kong, Transportation Research, Vol 20A No 2 (I Catling, J Dawson) |
11 | 1986: Road Transport Developments for the Future, IEEE proceedings (I Catling) |
10 | 1986: Electronic Road Pricing in Hong Kong - an Opportunity for Road Privatisation, Proceedings of TRB conference 'Roles of private enterprise and market processes in the financing and provision of roads' (I Catling, G Roth) |
9 | 1986: Electronic Road Pricing in Hong Kong, Proceedings of the TRB Annual Meeting, Washington (I Catling) |
8 | 1986 (October): Electronic Road Pricing in Hong Kong - the Technology, Traffic Engineering and Control, 26(12) (I Catling, B Harbord) |
7 | 1985: Hong Kong's Electronic Road Pricing Scheme, PTRC Summer Annual Meeting (I Catling, M Clancy) |
6 | 1985: Electronic Road Pricing in Hong Kong, PTRC Traffex seminar proceedings (I Catling) |
5 | 1984 (Dec): "Automatic Data Collection in Hong Kong" – IEE Conference Publication Number 242 - Road Traffic Data Collection (I Catling, J Turner) |
4 | 1980 (July): "RHTM base year and future year trip matrices"- PTRC Summer Annual Meeting 1980 (I Catling, D J Case) |
3 | 1979 (July): "Derivation of RHTM base year trip matrices" – PTRC Summer Annual Meeting 1979 (I Catling, D A Harrison) |
2 | 1977 (November): "A time-dependent approach to junction delays"- Traffic Engineering and Control, 18(11) (I Catling) |
1 | 1977 (May): "Development of junction delay formulae" - LTR working paper 2 for the Department of Transport (I Catling) |